Akari Translations

The bridge between languages, cultures, and people

Translation Work

Working with written languages:
  • Websites
  • Brochures
  • Business Cards
  • Promotional Materials
  • Menus
  • Koseki (Japanese Family Register)
  • Birth Certificates
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Articles from magazines/newspapers
  • Books
  • Children’s Books (Picture Books)
  • e-Books
  • Teaching/Training Materials
  • Online Course Materials
  • Annual Reports
  • Business Proposals
  • E-newsletters

We provide certificate of translation free of charge.

We provide translation in the following languages:

  1. Receive a free quote (please email your document to info@akaritranslations.com).
  2. We negotiate on the price quote and terms.
  3. You pay a 50% non-refundable deposit.
  4. I translate the document.
  5. An editor will proofread the translated document.
  6. You will receive the translation and pay the remainder of the fee within 7 days of the delivery of service.


English to Japanese
$0.15 USD per word
Japanese to English — $0.08 USD per character

Why are the rates different?
With a Japanese text, besides the particles, it is impossible to tell without reading the text where one "word" begins and another ends. Therefore, computers cannot count the number of words. The standard formula for estimating how many English words will come out of a given Japanese source text is to divide the total number of Japanese characters by 2.

French to English & English to French
$0.15 USD per word

Expedited fee for 24-hour turnaround may apply.
Sample Work